
Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Introducing: Jillian Rossi – Hurt Again


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Jillian Rossi, a pop artist & songwriter, shifts the focus in pop music back to the vocalist. With her challenging writing style and soaring voice, Jillian’s music is a breath of fresh air and an inspiration for the next generation of pop stars.

Hurt Again follows an engaging arrangement that keeps things going. Emotional piano chords correspond with the tone of the lyrics. There seems to be a special quality in the delivery here. Jillian sings at her best during this particular performance, making it iconic.

I believe Hurt Again will do well everywhere. It’s just what this autumn needs. Check out the audio below!


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.