
Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Introducing: Sofia Liu – Every Time I Leave


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

The lyrics of Every Time I Leave are written in first person and recount the story of a relationship that starts out as casual but becomes more serious over time. Sofia Liu talks about how she’s emotionally attached to this guy but knows that it’s not healthy for her. While she admits to wanting to leave, she stays because they share an emotional connection. Ultimately, Sofia decides to move on. The song is a candid look at the ambiguity and uncertainty of love.

From the opening line, Sofia invites the listener into her heart and mind. She lays herself bare personally and artistically, unafraid to show any vulnerability. The result is an extraordinarily powerful performance that’s both compelling and engaging.


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.