
Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Introducing: DIMANCHE – Looping


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

DIMANCHE present their second EP, Grenadine. Noémie Alazard and Ulysse Thevenon explore the alchemy between nostalgia and modernity, which suits them well. Its fresh, melancholic style of production combined with autotuned vocals makes this music stand out.

Looping, the lead single of Grenadine, incorporates a lot of unique creative elements. The catchy melody and dreamy chorus are especially appealing. Looping comes with a video that accompanies the French lyrics.

Do you need a new bop for your playlist? Go check out Looping below!


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.