
Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast

Introducing: Elise Go – Fine (I Don’t Need A…)


Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast

Believe it or not, you don’t have to smoke or drink to have a good time with your friends. In fact, there are plenty of other ways to let loose and have a blast. Just take a look at Elise Go’s new song, Fine (I Don’t Need A…), for proof.

The lyrics are all about enjoying each other’s company without having to rely on external things. They claim that as long as you’re together, you don’t need anything else. In the end, happiness comes from within.

The message of the song is important, especially in today’s society where so many people are addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. Elise believes that those things are only going to hold you back from truly enjoying life.

You might not be able to get this song out of your head. It’s got a really catchy indie pop production. Elise’s vocals sound phenomenal—they’re super slick and soulful. I love the way they’ve been mixed in with the music, and it really makes the song stand out.


Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast