
Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast

Introducing: Ella Tobin – The Ghost

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Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast

Have you ever been scared of getting too close to someone? It’s a feeling that UK singer-songwriter Ella Tobin knows all too well. She sings about it in her new single, The Ghost.

The lyrics of this song are haunting, and they really touch on how scary it can be to get close to anyone. You know that your fears are irrational, but they still affect you so much that you’re unable to control your response to them.

Ella’s vocals are impressive here. She has a great sense of timing and knows how to generate an engaging atmosphere. The harmonies during the chorus are well-mixed and contribute to the song’s richness.


Dutch writer - Founder of Lefuturewave - Music enthusiast