
Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Introducing: Shane The Crane – Waking Up! (feat. Chandler Juliet)


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Shane is a Chilean/American Crane who lives in Las Vegas. He collaborated with Chandler Juliet on the single, Waking Up!. Feel-good hooks and moving, heartfelt melodies make the sound absolutely unique. So, for the upcoming summer, it’s perfect. Chandler’s vocals are versatile, and they deliver the lyrics convincingly. As a result, the song becomes even more uplifting.

The song was written during the peak of quarantine last March. Shane was feeling a little low due to the isolation and decided to use his spare time to make an album. Right from his home, from his laptop, on his kitchen table, he carefully crafted the deeply authentic anthem.

Chandler and Shane demonstrate both creative abilities as well as the capability to introduce new ideas. I highly recommend checking out Waking Up! below!


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.