
Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

Introducing: Saige – Outgrown


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, it’s like you’re wearing a mask all the time. You become so wrapped up in the other person and trying to please them that you stop being yourself. But eventually, you reach a breaking point where you just can’t handle it anymore. You realize that you’re not happy and that you deserve better.

That’s what Saige’s new single, Outgrown, is all about. It recounts the story of emerging from a toxic relationship and finding your place in the world again. The lyrics are heartfelt and will probably resonate with many of you.

Saige delivers a strong performance on Outgrown. Her diction is impeccable, and she’s able to enunciate every word perfectly. This is something that not a lot of artists are able to do, especially when they’re singing fast-paced songs. Saige also demonstrates impressive pitch control throughout. She hits all the notes smoothly, without going sharp or flat.


Lefuturewave is a music blog based in the Netherlands. We feature emerging as well as established artists.